Repairing and Replacing

4 Quick Maintenance Tips to Avoid Expensive Garage Door Repairs

Maintaining your garage door on timely basis can help you save a lot of money. This may not be on your priority list but it can help you avoid expensive repairs anytime soon.  To make sure your garage door keeps rolling without any issue, mind the following precautions. They will help you save a lot of money in the long run.


Check your door’s balance and see whether it has trouble opening and closing. It’s hard to find exactly where the problem lies.  Therefore when you open or close this door, you need to be attentive and pay attention to find the where the door is off balance.



These are tiny wheels responsible to open and shut your door. These tiny rollers remain under extreme pressure when your door opens up or closes down. Therefore, they may get out of shape from time to time.


You need to lubricate moving parts of your garage door including jambs, springs, and hinges. This assures the whole thing keeps working properly. Oiling different parts will keep you from spending a fortune on Garage Door Repair Services.

Struck Parts

Soak hinges and rollers in kerosene as it will keep them from getting stuck. Get a small brush to assure the kerosene soaks into cracks. It removes rust with only steel wool. It helps to clean all parts to allow lubrication. This is a trick used by Garage Door Repair Pasadena.

Use Solvents

Take your time and give all moving parts including hinges, roller tracks, rollers, and latches a squirt of penetrating solvent.  Feel free to choose between a citrus based solvent or WD, whatever suits your garage door repair installation and parts.  

Doing these preventive measures on timely basis will help you save money on expensive upkeeps like garage door spring repair, opener, and etc.